The All About Network (All About Hennessey) is growing like a weed and we needed help keeping up with all of the events, activities, and news that happens in Hennessey. Shelley Muzny, also known as Nurse Shelley for those of you in the Hennessey school system has joined the All About crew.
Shelley was born and raised in the Hennessey/Lacey area and graduated from Hennessey High School in 1998. (For those trying to calculate… she is 44 years old). After graduation, she went to Redland Community College and obtained an LPN degree. While working as an LPN at St. Mary’s, she continued her education and graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University with by RN, BSN. Shelley worked as an RN at St. Mary’s Birthplace, Northwest Pediatrics, and is currently the Hennessey Public Schools Nurse (where yes, she will continue to be the nurse). Shelley is also a certified Red Cross CPR Instructor.
Shelley said, “My biggest and greatest accomplishment in my life are my three boys. Wyatt 15, Cole 13, and Brett 11.” You can find her following them around supporting all their activities. “I like photography- it gives people memories to look back on and talk about keeping the memories alive.” She plants flowers (when the grasshoppers are not eating them), and enjoys spending time with my family and friends.
Shelly said, “This opportunity is giving me the chance to capture memories for others to share in their lifetime.” So if you see Shelley out taking photos, say hi! She may take your photo and make you famous! Welcome Shelley!