Hundreds of children and their families stormed across the starting line at noon today (Saturday, March 30th) as the fire truck sounded its siren.
What took The Lions Club, with lots of help, months to set up took the children about 30 seconds to gather the thousands of eggs. Once picked up, parents and children scrambled to open eggs to find a prize number. Eggs with numbers corresponded with gifts that ranged from a gift basket to fishing poles.
Gerardo Villarreal won the grand prize of an XBOX. Dak Wymore and Rodrigues Munoz won bicycles. The event was held in Bull Foot Park, south of town, where the Town of Hennessey grounds crew worked hard mowing and trimming things up to get ready for the event. Parking for the event was provided by Dollar Transportation in the area to the south of the park. Photos by AAH Jack Quirk