- Why are you running for the Board of Education? If elected, what will be your priorities?
As an attorney on the board, I watched the Kingfisher school vs Mecklenburg case with the large settlement and am concerned about future lawsuits and tax increases.
Another priority I am for, is increased school security. With my experience in secret service, I would like to ensure there are no school shootings.
- Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the board of education?
Protection of our school students. Experience in the secret service for 9 years under 4 different presidents qualifies me for this issue.
- What particular experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a board member?
Married to a school teacher 52 years. Law degree, officer in the Army, Secret Service 9 years, attorney for over 50 years, Parents attended Lacy school, 3 children graduated from Hennessey, and grandchildren currently in Hennessey schools.
- In what school district or community activities/organizations have you been involved?
Kingfisher county bar association
Pat Hennessey Celebration organizer
Was on the school board for the Lacy Property Community Building decision to keep it.
Powder and String Club
Member of the Methodist Church of Kingfisher since 1980
- Why should you be elected to the Board of Education?
I would like to provide security for students and help with legal matters
- What differentiates you from the other candidates and/or board members?
As Ronald Regan once said “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience,”

- Why are you running for the Board of Education? If elected, what will be your priorities?
I have two kids that attend Hennessey Public Schools, therefore have a vested interest in not only their education, but all students’ success. I want our parents to feel confident that our district is providing a safe learning environment that provides the best education and opportunities for their children, no matter their future endeavors. I value the concerns of our students, teachers, parents and community and will make sure that we hear their perspectives, and work with the other board members to make the best decisions for our school.
I would like to continue to improve our communication between the community and the board. Secondly, I would like to hear from our staff and see what they need in terms of support. Now, more than ever, teacher retainment is an issue that we are faced with. Teachers are having to overcome more responsibility and adversities and I hope to support and provide them with the tools necessary for them to have a safe and positive learning environment.
- Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the board of education?
As a parent and business owner, my primary motives are providing a safe environment for student success, teacher retainment and serving as voice for the community.
- What experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a board member?
Currently, I serve on the Hennessey Board of Education, as I was appointed last year. This experience has allowed me to understand how the board operates. Working alongside my fellow board members and administration has allowed me to gain new skills and broaden my horizons in seeing the big picture. I was a former teacher and daughter of educators, the experience and knowledge I have gained has prepared me to serve and continue to serve on the Board of Education for Hennessey Public Schools. I know how to balance a budget, set goals, determine priorities, and produce successful outcomes and quality results.
- In what school district or community activities/organizations have you been involved?
I have served on the Hennessey Board of Education for the past year. I enjoy supporting the students in their activities, concerts, and sporting events as well as volunteering for school functions.
- Why should you be elected to the Board of Education?
I have a vested interest in Hennessey Public Schools. I have a strong passion for education and want to ensure that we can provide our students, teachers, and staff with the best resources possible. I will continue to commit to serve everyone with accountability and transparency, while being a good steward of your tax dollars.
- What differentiates you from the other candidates and/or board members?
I feel like as a wife, mom, business owner and former teacher, I bring a different perspective to the table. I can communicate effectively with current and new parents and members of the district to promote fresh ideas. I hold a unique way of listening and making decisions. I can put aside my bias and my own feelings on a subject to come to the table to learn, process, gather information from multiple sources, and then make decisions that are best for our district.