Mark Henry and crew have been working on the giant hat for several months and it’s getting close to completion. Henry said, “It should be ready to install it in a few weeks.” It’s been a team effort, some of the crew include Jerry Mack, Cameron Bonham, Coye Riddle, Richard, and Jacob Robar.
Standing at 32 feet wide makes it the largest in Oklahoma. It is constructed of one 300-barrel, and two 250-barrel recycled crude oil tanks, and weighs 14,000 lbs. When done it will be installed on the south end of the new Howdy Travel Center and used to shade the dog park and picnic area.
Henry said, “We wanted to be the largest in the world but we just couldn’t get there with the materials we had to work with.” The largest is located in
Oxbow Park in historic Georgetown, Seattle. It is 44 feet wide and stands next to a giant pair of cowboy boots.