It was a long time coming, but last Wednesday 2 of the 4 new town entrance signs went up, welcoming folks to our town. Terrell Prince and his Royal Signs crew spent this morning setting the large signs on Hwy 81 south and Hwy 51 west. The south sign went up quickly, but the west one required OG&E’s help to safely move the overhead wires out of the way so the crane could lift the sign into place. The north Hwy 81 sign will be placed about ½ mile north of the 81-51 intersection as soon as the base is installed. The sign for the east Hwy 51 will have to wait until ODOT completes the road construction. The signs have been on hold for about a year waiting on ODOT to approve the placement of them along the right-of-way. When done, all of the signs will be lit at night. The old sign on the south side will be removed shortly.