The Hennessey Class of 1980 gathered last Saturday, May 20, 2023, at the Hennessey Mercantile for their...
all about hennessey
all about hennessey
HENNESSEY POOL CREW 2023 The Hennessey Pool Crew has been working to get ready for the 2023...
Hennessey’s Main Street is looking more beautiful, thanks to the efforts of Renee Curry, the newly appointed...
Tammy June Ehlers, 65, passed away May 14, 2023 at her home in Enid Oklahoma. Tammy was...
Bids were sent out last month for the long-awaited drainage ditch improvement project and were broken into...
During last week’s Hennessey Trustees meeting Bert Gritz said, “In my mind, all that money has been...
Two HHS grads were inducted into the HHS Hall of Fame during the 2023 graduation commencement ceremony...
Ready to Conquer the World! During the commencement ceremonies on Friday, May 12, 2023, Hennessey High School...
During their regular meeting on Thursday, May 11th, the Hennessey Board of Trustees voted to appoint Harold...
There are some new faces on Main St. in Hennessey. An opportunity fell in the lap of...