The Hennessey 4H and Cloverbuds hosted Silvan Zingg, world renowned pianist from Switzerland for their fundraiser tonight....
Back: Marcus Hernandez, Ethan Valle, Junior Gonzalez, Marlene Amador, Oliver Tillman, James Jones, Bob Calvert, Casey Barnes...
This week, the senior leadership class visited the Red Dirt wind farm located east of Hennessey. Enel...
Back: Sergio Gonzalez, Izzy Moery, Stephanie Valles, Daniela Verdoza, JoHanna Matousek, Koda Franklin, Wyatt Newman, Wyatt Muzny...
The senior leadership class got to tour the Eagle Event Center today with Dr. Woods. Students got...
Several softball players came together for a work day at the softball field. Great Job!
Tonight (Friday, August 23rd.) was The Hennessey Eagles first scrimmage against Cashion. Next week The Eagles will...
8th Grader, Ethan Munroe performed at the 2019 Education Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City. Ethan was named...
Back: Gracie Michelsen, Aaliyhia Cox, Andrea Gonzalez, Edgar Nunez, Yulissa Castanon, Addison Andrews, Gabriel Roman, Kaleb Peach...
Freshman McKenna Pendergraft selling tickets to bring back the Eagle mascot which can be present at many...