The All About Hennessey POST Features students from the Hennessey High School intern program each week. This week’s students are Kimber Smith & Karci Vadder

Kimber Smith is a senior at HHS. She is an intern at Wheatland Veterinary in Enid. Kimber was born in Kingfisher and has lived in the Hennessey area her whole life. She was on the track team her sophomore year and was a member of the Prom Committee her junior year. When she was a member of the junior rodeo association she won a buckle in the goat tying event.
Kimber has been interested in becoming a veterinarian since she was in elementary school. Her grandfather had a farm and she was exposed to farm animals at a young age. Her dad competed as a bull rider in the rodeo and Kimber started competing in barrel racing and goat tying when she was in the Junior Rodeo Association.
Kimber just started her internship this semester but she has already observed and learned a lot in her short time there. She has many mentors there between five vets and several more vet techs. She likes the fact that the mentors take time to describe the procedures by taking it step by step so she gets a full understanding of what is happening in real-time. The most interesting thing she witnessed was a surgery on a dog who had an abscessed hip. For hands-on experience, she has been taught how to draw up the medicine and prepare prep trays. She is looking forward to the rest of the internship and hopes to gain more knowledge and exposure to workings inside the clinic.
After graduation, Kimber plans on attending Murray State College in Tishomingo, OK. From there she hopes to attend veterinary school at Texas A&M, in College Station, TX.

Karci Vadder is a senior at HHS, and is interning with Vadder Real Estate and Auction. Karci was born in Enid and has lived in the Hennessey area all of her life. She has been very active the past four years in cross country and track. She is a member of the National Honor Society and has been very active in the student council each year serving as vice-president, reporter, and representative. She is also a senior class officer. Outside of school, she is part of the youth group at Okeene Methodist Church in Okeene, Ok.
Karci has been in dancing for many years and that paved the way for her to get a job at Redleve Dance Studio here in Hennessey. She assists the owner, Sadye Cabral, with the classes three times a week, and once a week she teaches a private class of her own. Her favorite thing to do in her spare time is play the piano.
While Karci has an interest in real estate, she plans to attend college to pursue her long-term goals. For now, she is learning all that she can from her dad about the real estate business. She always enjoyed tagging along with her dad as he showed homes to prospective buyers. Then last year she became more serious about learning the business. She is currently learning how to research investment properties to purchase for profit. She is also getting instructed on how to be an auctioneer. In the near future she will be taking courses to prepare for the real estate exam. She intends to work as a realtor while she attends college.
After graduation, Karci plans on attending Oklahoma City University where she will pursue a B.S. Degree in Entertainment Business and then work toward a law degree.
Both Kimber & Karci are part of the Hennessey School Career & Internship Program. This program, directed by Kim Hallmark matches students with business allowing them to experience real-life day-to-day operations in a career field they have an interest in.