Jet engine sound, miles of extension cords, and equipment everywhere, is the best description about what is happening during the cleanup at the Hennessey elementary and high school. All of the furniture is piled in the middle of the rooms and there are dozens of commercial dehumidifiers, blowers and special sheetrock water extraction equipment running. The school hired 2 professional emergency disaster restoration companies to handle the cleanup. They are using special sheetrock extraction systems in all of the damaged rooms in the elementary school. Chris Lowrey, with ProClean Restoration said, “We are constantly monitoring the humidity levels in all of the rooms as well as every inch of the sheetrock to be sure there is no chance of future problems.” Dr. Mike Woods said, “We are working to get the schools back open as quickly as we can safely do so.” Stay with All About Hennessey for complete progress updates as well as any schedule changes.