The purpose of Ordinance No. 387, passed by the Town of Hennessey, is to govern the direct disposal of hauled waste into the wastewater treatment plant. The ordinance intends to safeguard the efficient operation of the treatment plant and uphold the well-being and safety of the community by outlining acceptable and unacceptable discharges, determining user fees, and outlining penalties for any breaches of the regulations. There was also discussion on putting cameras at the site and having officers patrol area to enforce the ordinance.
Access to the service can be obtained by any person or entity by making a request at Hennessey Town Hall from Monday to Friday, between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM. Local Hennessey businesses can request a key for 24-hour access. Out-of-town businesses can also obtain a key for 24-hour access by paying a minimum of $1000 per month. All key holders must record each dump they make (including amount, date, and time) and place the record in the provided lock box. Billing will be handled at the end of each month with a Net 10 payment term.
Any individual or entity found in violation of the Ordinance or who provides false information on their application will be subject to a fine of up to $1,000. Each improper discharge will be considered a separate offense under this Ordinance. The entire Ordinance can be read at