About 50 gathered for the Sons and Daughters of the ‘89’ers on Saturday, April 22 at the Hennessey Senior Citizen Center. After some musical entertainment and a lighthearted song by Michael Hobbs titled My Oklahoma Home, “Blown Away” the group then enjoyed lunch and listened to a presentation by Dr. Sara Jane Richter.
Because of the proximity of the Chisholm Trail, Richter offered a presentation on three women trail bosses of the cattle trailing days between the end of the Civil War and the 1880’s. Her talk discussed the dangers of the Chisholm Trail, the importance of turning a profit for ranchers, and the cattle queens who drove herds north to the railheads at Wichita and Abilene, Kansas, eventually helping to establish the trail, some important Texas ranches, and the nation’s meat packing industry. A lively question-and-answer session followed her presentation.