The topic of out-of-town food trucks operating in Hennessey has been simmering for about two years and received some attention at last week’s Town Trustees meeting. The board asked the town attorney to look into an ordinance restricting out-of-town food trucks in city limits. 

The issue was out-of-town operators coming into town and taking business away from our restaurant owners with brick-and-mortar establishments, employees, and paying taxes. Over the past few months, a Chick-fil-A food truck based in Stillwater has been coming to Hennessey and parking directly across the street from several of our local restaurants. One restaurant owner commented, “This is just rude.” 

The 30-minute discussion debated the fee, how close they should be allowed to park to other businesses, and if it was a fundraiser or a for-profit business. The board and the audience agreed that a business with a Hennessey water bill proving they owned the property should be exempt from a fee. The board agreed to table the subject until they could ask the town attorney more questions and make a change to the ordinance. 
