A collision between an oil field transport truck and a Honda Accord happened Saturday afternoon, at about 2:30 pm. A semi traveling north on NS2900 hit a Honda traveling west on EW650 broadside. The accident was 2 miles south and 3.5 east of Hennessey. The Honda had six passengers, two adults; a father, a mother, and four children. The truck driver was not injured. The intersection had no stop signs.
The accident caused some confusion for Hennessey Firefighters and Life EMS. A passerby picked up 5 of the six from the crash site and met the approaching ambulance about a mile west of the wreck. EMS and Firefighters struggled with translation until a family member arrived and assisted. The mother and the four children were transported to an Enid hospital, where they were treated and released. According to OHP, the father, uninjured, was arrested for no driver’s license and transported to Kingfisher County Jail. The names and conditions of those involved were not yet available.