Local Family Loses Everything

About 10 am Friday morning Erin Wulffenstien got a call that her house was on fire.  Erin said, “Is this a joke?” The caller said, “No ma’am.”   At the time of the call she was at the Chisholm Trail Technology Center, (CTTC) in Omega.  Erin drives the school bus everyday back and forth to the CTTC in Omega carrying Hennessey students.  She said, “I asked the CTTC staff if they could get my kids home. I drove the school bus home.  By the time I got here, it was all gone”.  

The fire started about 9:30 am and was driven by high winds.  The home is located northeast of Hennessey, 2 east of Bison, and ¾ of a mile north.  Waukomis and Douglas Fire Departments worked the fire.  Erin said, “We have great neighbors. They called the fire department and moved our cows back out of the way and let our dogs loose to protect them”. 

Gary and Erin Wulffenstein lost everything they owned in the house along with 2 dogs, 2 cats and 30 baby chicks.  One of her dogs ran away, and at first they couldn’t find it.  The dog, named Jumper is blind deaf, he was later found uninjured.      

The Hennessey Community Action Team (CAT) has set up a relief fund to help get the family back on their feet.  To help, you can contribute to the CAT fund at Community State Bank in Hennessey. (Please put Wulffenstein in the memo) if you have questions you can contact Jimmy Berkenbile at 405-853-5071
