On Wednesday, April 16th the Hennessey Public School administration was notified that one of our employees was not feeling well and exhibiting symptoms of the Covid-19 virus. The employee was tested for the Covid-19 virus on April 16th but will not know the results for up to 5 days. To keep our students, employees, parents and community safe, we felt it best to notify you so you could make decisions with the most current information available.
Here are the facts and timeline:
· HPS contacted the Kingfisher County Health Department immediately to receive guidance.
· The last time the employee was in contact with school personnel at school was April 7th.
· The employee participated in distributing packets to families and was following CDC guidelines wearing a mask and gloves and observed social distancing practices.
· The Kingfisher County Health Department stated that for contact to occur a person would have to be closer than 6 feet for more than 10 minutes.
· Additionally, if the test results returned positive for the Covid-19 virus, Kingfisher County Health Department would notify people that had contact with the infected person 48 hours (April 13th) prior to the onset of Covid-19 symptoms. The last time the employee was at school was April 7th.
· HPS staff were disinfecting the room used for the packet distribution after each group was completed.
Should the test results return positive we will notify everyone as quickly as possible. If you have questions please email me at mwoods@hps.k12.ok.us or comment on Facebook.