The second annual Hennessey First United Methodist Church Easter Carnival took place this Easter Sunday and drew...
Hennessey became the AREA CHAMPIONSHIP at the Stride Event Center last Friday night. It’s the #4 Hennessey...
END OF THE 130 YEAR OLD HENNESSEY CLIPPER. The Hennessey Clipper announced in an email to the...
The Hennessey water department has closed the splash pad this afternoon to...
Steel workers, Carpenters, Painters and of course the cast have been very busy getting ready for the...
WATER LEAK ON HIGHWAYHennessey public utility crew, along with Grade Works Construction, worked on a broken 6...
TWO TRUCKS COLLIDE SOUTH OF HENNESSEYMinor injuries were sustained this evening about 5:30 when 2 trucks collided...
Driver of a Toyota Prius struck a light pole at the corner of Main and Nebraska St...
HWY 81 northbound, at CR680, south of Hennessey was blocked this morning for about an hour by...