Tonight (Friday, August 23rd.) was The Hennessey Eagles first scrimmage against Cashion. Next week The Eagles will...
hennessey ok
hennessey ok
The Hennessey Trails Life Troop installed a flag pole Thursday night at their scout cabin. Interbank donated...
8th Grader, Ethan Munroe performed at the 2019 Education Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City. Ethan was named...
Back: Gracie Michelsen, Aaliyhia Cox, Andrea Gonzalez, Edgar Nunez, Yulissa Castanon, Addison Andrews, Gabriel Roman, Kaleb Peach...
Congratulations to our 2019 Baseball team for receiving the Distinguished Academic Achievement Award! Coach Fuksa’s 2019 Eagle...
Freshman McKenna Pendergraft selling tickets to bring back the Eagle mascot which can be present at many...
The Hennessey Senior Leadership class held their 2nd weekly class today. Today’s topic was learning about municipal...
Memorial Park on Main Street was packed with Eagles – – Hennessey Eagles. Tonight was the annual...