The All About Hennessey POST Features students from the Hennessey High School intern program each week. This week’s...
Band Director Danny Powers of the Hennessey Pride Band has been recognized as the Band Director of...
Thursday, February 22nd, the Hennessey High School Choir directed by Riley Faulkner traveled to Tonkawa, OK for...
The All About Hennessey POST Features students from the Hennessey High School intern program each week. This week’s...
Vandin Vadder, HHS Freshman won for the second year in a row last week in the Wood...
Our talented Hennessey Band secured their spot at the state band contest by receiving unanimous Superior ratings...
OKLAHOMA CITY – Cam Griffin, a senior at Hennessey High School, paged in the office of Rep....
Newly appointed Dakota Semrad did his official oath of office Wednesday, February 21st, in front of a...
Last Tuesday, February 20th, was signing day for Joseph Davis, a Hennessey Student heading off to college....
New parking lots around the baseball and football fields get approval to go out for bid from...