Hennessey Mail Carrier Darla Obrien, already in the middle of the holiday onslaught of packages was knocked off track Thursday, November 21st when her mail delivery SUV collided with another car at the intersection of N 2870 (S Mitchell Rd) and E 660 Rd. Darla said she hit her head and shoulder on the driver’s window and the car came to rest up against a telephone pole totaling her car. The driver of the other car, a white Chevy SUV was Victor Ramirez from Hennessey, he was not injured.
Darla was transported to Integris Medical Center in Enid by LifeEMS and was treated for concision and released. Darla said, “I have been a Mail carrier for 18 years and this is my only accident.” Hennessey Post Master Jason Witt was on the scene quickly and they transferred all of the mail to another carrier’s vehicle and completed delivering mail.
Darla said she was off and recuperating until Monday and now needed to find a new delivery vehicle. Hennessey Fire, Kingfisher County SO, OHP, and LifeEMS worked the scene.