Hennessey’s Dance Studio, RedLevé, attended its second Regional Competition of the year and came home heavily decorated with all performances placing in the top overalls! On February 15th and 16th, they attended the Turn it Up Dance Challenge at the Oklahoma City Convention Center. They performed seven solos, two duets, and five group performances in the Novice Junior and Petite Divisions
Results with ratings for Solos: Piper Zielny (2nd Overall, High Platinum), Jacee Beaman (5th Overall, Platinum), Abi Hernandez (1st in Category, 6th Overall, Platinum), Avileny Cabral (7th Overall, Platinum), Quinn Ward (8th Overall, Special Judges Award, Platinum), Maesyn Hancock (14th Overall, High Gold). Petite Novice Division: Anastasia Bohnstedt (12th Overall, Platinum).
Duets: Piper & Jacee (1st in Hip Hop, 1st Overall, Platinum), Abi & Maesyn (1st in Contemporary, 2nd Overall).
Group Performances: Small Group Team B (4th Overall, Platinum), Small Group Team A (1st in Hip Hop, 1st Overall, Judges’ Intensity Award, Costume Award, Highest Scoring Small Group Runner-up), Small Group Team A Contemporary (1st in Category, 2nd Overall)
Large Group A + B Team: Street Funk Jazz (1st in Category, 1st Overall), Contemporary (1st in Category, 2nd Overall).
The competitive teams will attend their next regional competition from February 28th – March 2nd.