The Hennessey FFA held their annual Calf Fry and Labor Auction at the Elementary School gym on January 4th. The Hennessey FFA had a great turnout; with over 40 students being auctioned, a shop-built Cooler Kart, Rocket Stove Cooker and a five cubic foot freezer full of meat were raffled off. A few silent auction items were donated to help the FFA with their auction. The FFA served calf fries, chicken and noodles, beans, coleslaw, potatoes, rolls, and dessert. Justin Choate with Wiggins Auctioneers and Chris Cameron with Lippard Auctioneers came together and auctioned off over 40 FFA members to benefit the FFA Chapter. A few of the Hennessey FFA members were persuaded to auction themselves out. We have some upcoming auctioneers! The Hennessey FFA advisor is Jorge Huizar—a special thank you to Justin Choate, Chris Cameron, and Mike Sparks (ringman). The Hennessey FFA Chapter would like to thank everyone who came out and supported them. AAH, Shelley Muzny