The 1st and 2nd grade classes held their annual music program on Wednesday, November 6th, presented by the Hennessey Elementary School Music Department. This year’s theme was Outer Space, and it truly was out of this world! The program was directed by Rachel Franks, the elementary music director, and featured a cast of characters including Aliens, Astronauts, Stars, Planets, and Galaxies!
The students brought the characters to life with their costumes. There were NASA astronauts of all kinds, green, purple, and shiny metallic-colored aliens, and of course colorful stars and galaxies. The program took the audience through seven different musical journeys through space, showcasing a variety of songs, from the Planet song to a feature song of the ex-planet Pluto, and even a very animated rap about the planets. Let’s not forget how their very excellent mother brought them 9 Pizzas! If you attended the in-person program, we are sure you are still singing that song in your head.