Transitions by Bonny: Laurie Hagar

Laurie Hagar has taught in Kingfisher for 25 years. 23 of those years have been teaching Pre-K. My connection with Laurie is from both of us growing up in Hennessey. So when we run into each other at Walmart it’s usually a catch-up session. Since I started this retirement gig, I mentioned to Laurie I’d come and read to her Littles. Her face lit up, and the wheels started turning. Ursula came in from the ocean this morning by way of Uncle John’s Creek. After the long trip, her first stop was the Talking Headz salon. Thanks, Angie Kennedy, for working on hair, and Emri Victor, for doing Ursula’s makeup. Now, it took a minute to find these two since they had moved the salon to 701 E. Miles in Kingfisher. After a little freshening up, Ursula continued on to Mrs. Hagar’s pre-k class at Gilmore Elementary. Ursula read the book “Commotion in the Ocean” and handed out sea shells straight from her home. They talked about all kinds of creatures. It made Ursula homesick! After leaving her new friends, she had to make one more stop.

Well, there was a detour through the Sonic with a few laughs and giggles! A little birdie had told Ersala about a 2-year-old fan. So before leaving Kingfisher, there was a stop for Ersala to meet Violet Snow! Violet gave Ersala her 2-year-old approval, stating how much she liked Ersala’s hair and how pretty Ersala was. Seriously!! If you run into Val Snow, Violet’s mother, she will have to tell you about the one blooper Ersala had! It did make a bit of a commotion! If your pre-k little comes home with a sea shell and talks about Ursula showing up in their class, well, that part was not their imagination. Maybe the stretch came with Uncle John’s Creek and the Ocean. But oh, the smiles and memories made for all! Isn’t that what it’s all about?
