Garden Salsa

This is our last Garden Eats-Food from the Garden article for this year. We wanted to share one of the easiest salsa recipes that Summer has found! Homemade salsa is just such a treat. You can make it as hot or as mild as you like by adding more or less or even none of the seeds and white inner part of the jalapeños. You can make it the texture you like by chopping everything chunky or fine, or using a food processor such as this recipe suggests. You can truly tailor it to your tastes. Not to mention that homegrown tomatoes are just top tier. We hope you try this simple garden salsa recipe! 


•1 lb fresh tomatoes, de-seeded and quartered 

• ¼ onion, roughly chopped

• 2 tsp jalapeño, roughly chopped

• 3 tsp cilantro, roughly chopped

• 1 garlic clove, smashed

• 2 tsp lime juice

• 1 tsp salt

Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender. Pulse until salsa is your desired consistency. Place in sterile jars and can for longer term storage or store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to a month. 

Autumn loves to use salsa in her cooking so be on the lookout for a recipe in the future that uses up some extra salsa. Enjoy the end of the summer growing season by making your very own salsa at home. 

