The First United Methodist Church in Hennessey is home to the Food Bank for Hennessey and Dover Communities. Jeannie Brown has been working at the Hennessey Food Bank for the last 17 years. Jeannie states it takes a lot of volunteers to help keep the food bank up and going. She is thankful for all the help from unloading the truck, putting food on shelves, packing food for families, and cleaning the facility. It takes a village for sure! Jeannie stated they have certain guidelines they have to go by from the Regional Food Bank. All food has to be 2 inches off the floor, temperature log kept for freezers and refrigerators, and pass inspection when they come by. The Food bank assist an average of 80-85 families each time they are open, that is roughly 350 people twice a month. Each family gets a sack with pasta, canned foods, vegetables, meat and fruit if available. The food bank is open the second and fourth Wednesday of every month from 4:00-6:00pm.  The food provided to families in need are bought through the Hennessey Food Bank. It cost roughly between $150-$300 each order for the Food Bank to help the community.  This is all possible from donations! If you are looking for a good cause to donate to please consider the Hennessey Food Bank. Several businesses in town help the food bank also. If you would like to donate to the Hennessey Food Bank or are in need and want to be able to receive food please contact the Methodist Church. Story and Pictures by AAH, Shelley Muzny 
