Michelle Bergley, a small-town girl with a big heart, has always wanted to be involved with nutrition and had been actively looking for a new venture for the past year. When she found the opportunity to buy Eagle Nutrition, she knew it was meant to be. Michelle stated that it was the support and encouragement of her family that made her dream a reality.

As Michelle started brainstorming on what she could add to the existing tea shop, she decided to bring some delicious new items to the store. By adding protein balls, cupcakes, premade drinks, and meal plans, she aimed to make life easier for her busy customers to stay healthy on the go. Eagle Nutrition’s teas and shakes are great for overall health. They help boost the immune system, shakes are filled with vitamins and healthy proteins, while the teas give healthy energy compared to other energy drinks that are loaded with ingredients you can’t pronounce. They offer many flavors, from sweet to sour, and are open to your suggestions. If you have a favorite recipe you’d like them to make, Michelle is fully stocked and ready to make any drink.

Eagle Nutrition is open Monday through Friday from 7 am to 3 pm and Saturday from 7 am to 1 pm. Make sure to take advantage of the punch card program and check-in on social media for a discounted price. Follow their Facebook page for the drink of the day! They are located at 114 S Cherokee St, Hennessey Ok 73742.
