By Jack Qurik
Before you jump to conclusions let me explain! Two Hennessey 13-year-olds have the entrepreneur bug and are hunting for a business plan to make money. Beau Whittenburg and Jameson Ladwig watched videos on TikTok and found that gutter cleaning was relatively easy and didn’t require a big investment in tools and equipment. The two 8th graders rounded up a couple of ladders, a leaf blower, and a garden hose and formed their company called L&W Gutters. They started last June going door to door and made enough money to see that it is a real business.
Neither one of the boys is old enough to drive so Beau’s grandfather is their means of transportation for now. The cost to clean varies based on how long the gutters are, how many corners, and how steep the roof is, with the average cost being around $50 to $60. Right now the boys are focusing on single-story homes that their ladders will reach and stay safe.
If you need to clean up your gutters, call the boys and schedule an appointment. You can reach Jameson at 405-888-6502 and for Beau at 405-538-6831.