The All About Hennessey POST Features 2 students from the Hennessey High School intern program each week. This week’s students are Addison Null-Kelly and Daytona Bohnstedt.

Addison Null-Kelly is a junior at HHS and just started an internship this semester with third-grade teacher, Katie Matthews.
Addison was born in Bakersfield, CA. When she was just a toddler, her family made the move to Hennessey to be closer to family. Addison has been playing the clarinet with the band since sixth grade. She has also been a member of the jazz band for three years. As a member of YAHL (Youth Action for Health Leadership), Addison and another student, Abigail Holsten, recently shared information with the Hennessey Town Board about the organization and its efforts to make students aware of the hazards of vaping and tobacco.
She is active in the First Christian Church Youth Group of Hennessey where she has been a part of the Angel Reserve Christmas project and assisted with a Welcome Table in Enid for the homeless. She has been working at Sonic for the last year and a half and she loves to dance to her favorite songs when she has any free time.
Last year as a tenth grader, Addison was inducted into the National Honor Society. One of the requirements is for students to volunteer. She became a mentor for a student, and during this time teaching piqued her interest. She has been thinking about other careers, but so far her passion for teaching is outweighing the higher salaries. Her tentative plans are to attend the University of Oklahoma and get a degree in Special Education.

Daytona Bohnstedt a senior, is interning at the Hennessey Elementary School under Katie Soudek, the elementary counselor. Daytona was born in Enid, Oklahoma, and started at HPS as a second grader. Her extracurricular activities include cheerleading for the football and basketball teams and participating in the HHS band’s Color Guard.
She has been active in FCCLA and served as secretary and vice president of social media for the organization. She is a part of the FBC Youth Group and she has been a babysitter off and on through high school. On Friday she helps deliver food to seniors. Daytona is considering a career in education with a focus on school counseling, but won’t rule out becoming a classroom teacher. She chose to do her internship under the elementary counselor. When Miss Soudek let Daytona plan out a lesson for a first-grade class, she chose one on positive thinking. One Friday when Miss Soudek was absent, Daytona was given the responsibility to hand out the Character Counts Awards to the elementary students. She admits that she was a little bit nervous but was grateful for the opportunity. After graduation, Daytona plans on attending Northwestern Oklahoma State University.
Both Addison and Daytona are part of the Hennessey School Career & Internship Program. This program, directed by Kim Hallmark matches students with business allowing them to experience real-life day-to-day operations in a career field they have an interest in.