James Matousek and Brandon Scott were present at the special town board meeting on Thursday, November 29th. The board discussed improvements to the area surrounding the new addition to the fire station. The proposed plan involves removing the concrete between the library and fire department and replacing it with grass. Additionally, a concrete walkway will be constructed on the south side of the building, going from the south side door to the front entrance of the station.
New concrete will also be required around and behind the station. The board approved Daniel Construction to redo the entire area on the north side where the firefighters park their vehicles. The estimated cost for the areas outlined in red and green (as shown in the picture) is $25,600, with a maximum budget of $30,000 set by the board. There are plans to build a new helicopter pad at the back of the fire department where the grassy area is located (old T-ball field). However, the implementation of this plan may be staged depending on the availability of upcoming REAP grants. Construction of a road from the back of the fire department to Cherokee street is also being considered to improve access.