Several years ago Hennessey purchased the CodeRed alert system that allowed the town to notify residents of emergencies and news that would affect them.  Over the years as we moved away from our home and business landlines many of the numbers no longer work.  

This system will call and or text your phone and deliver a recorded message alerting you of any necessary information such as a water shutdown or a change in trash pickup day, etc. 

To be sure you are getting all of the notifications you can go to the Town of Hennessey website, www.Hennesseyok.org.  Scroll down, on the left, and click on the “CodeRed Sign-up” link. You will create a little account and answer a few questions and that’s it.  When the time comes for the town to inform you of something important the system will call and leave you a message.  If you need help or have questions you can call the Town Hall at 405-853-2426.
