PULL! And it’s a HIT! It’s a sound of victory for all shooters. Prairie Clays, in Drummond, Oklahoma is where you’ll find a shooting range full of fun and a great opportunity to practice shooting clay targets. Charlie Mears opened his shooting range in 2015 looking for a hobby to do with his spare time after retirement. He started with only 4 machines, to now 60. When Prairie Clays was asked if they’d be interested in having benefit shoots, Charlie thought “why not, might be worth a shot” (no pun there, nope, not at all), and in 2017 they hosted their first benefit and they haven’t stopped since.
At Prairie Clays, shooters of all experience levels are welcome, whether they are seasoned marksman or trying shooting for the first time. Charlie provides gun rentals and ammunition for sale, along with essential safety gear. Prairie Clays provides a welcoming environment that feels like being part of a family. They prioritize safety and fun during your time at the range, ensuring a positive experience that creates memories to last a lifetime.
Prairie Clays is open on Tuesdays from 1 PM to 6 PM and Saturdays from 9 AM to 5 PM. Every Tuesday evening at 6 PM, Prairie Clays hosts an open 5 stand shoot, this is where shooters get together to have a round of shooting. This is a great time for leaving the everyday life worries behind, only to appreciate the outdoors, getting your aim on, all while enjoying fellowship with other shooters. This also makes for a good time to get your practice in, as he was told once by a top-ranked sporting clay shooter, “Do not practice until you get it right, practice until you can’t get it wrong.”
Come November, Charlie will bring in chukars and pheasant for live shooting as well as the clay targets. Visit them at 11711 W. Wood Rd. Drummond, Oklahoma. Prairie Clays is open all year round, call (580) 541-7371 to schedule your shoot to best fit your calendar and check out their Facebook page.