The 2023 edition of the Hennessey Fire Department annual water wars commenced last Wednesday night, (August 9th) as a fun wrap-up to summer.  With blaring sirens, the firefighters traveled up and down pretty much every street in Hennessey hosing down anyone in reach.  

But it was not a one-way fight!  The citizens fought back with everything from water balloons and garden hoses to full-blown tank trucks with large hoses.  The firefighters placed buckets of water balloons around town in the parks and at street corners for kids to use. 

This is the second year of this event that becomes a huge success.  Fun rivalries have started against the firefighters from the Kingfisher County workers, LiFE EMS, and Hennessey Septic, each having a large team and a lot of water to shoot back.  

This is a free, fun event that the Hennessey volunteer firefighters do for nothing more than to have a good time and to entertain the community. 
