During last week’s Hennessey Trustees meeting Bert Gritz said, “In my mind, all that money has been wasted, that project is not going to drain. Everything from 3rd South is going to hold water and be a big mosquito nest.  This is how the engineer drew it up.” Gritz was referring to the drainage project currently under construction on S Mitchell Rd.

After this week’s rain, the entire area that has been completed so far is holding water and not draining. This project is being funded by a grant and has been under construction for about 2 months. Gritz said, “I don’t blame the contractor, I think the engineer didn’t do it right. I called them yesterday and they kind of blew me off.”

There is an area north of 3rd St where the drainage was placed underground in front of several homes in the 300 block of S Mitchell and it is higher than the new drain system causing a blockage. Several board members agreed to meet with the engineer to discuss a solution. 
