EXPERIENCE is necessary now more than ever. Three members of the Town Board are up for election. Of the two that are not up for election, the longest-serving member has been on the board for two years. With our town administrator position being vacant, it is vital to keep someone on the board with experience in dealing with municipal finance and legalities.  When the Town Administrator position has been filled this EXPERIENCE will be critical in bringing this new person up to speed quickly. 

EXPERIENCE: Bert Gritz served on the Town Board from 1979-1983. At 22 he was the youngest person to ever hold town office. He was elected Mayor in 1981, the youngest in Oklahoma. He ran again in 2003 and has served since that time.

Hennessey has a financial reserve of nearly $5,000,000.00 which is very unusual for a town our size. We need to keep a budget-conscious person on the board who watches spending and understands the inner workings of local government.

Bert Gritz has been a member of the volunteer fire department for 45 years, and understands the importance of serving the community.

Bert Gritz has owned and successfully operated small businesses all his adult life understanding the inner workings of running a business and finance.

Bert Gritz graduated from Hennessey High School in 1975, earned a Bachelor of Science from University of Central Oklahoma in 1999, and a Master of Education Degree from Oklahoma City University in 2018.

On Tuesday, April 4th vote for EXPERIENCE. Vote for Bert Gritz.

Bert Gritz will be offering free rides to the polls April 4th from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Call (405) 853-5106 for a ride.

Approved and Paid for by Bert Gritz 
