Hennessey Power Outage

Sunday afternoon parts of Hennessey lost power at about 2:30 pm after experiencing power flickers for several hours.  At about the same time, Hennessey Firefighters were dispatched to a brush fire ¼ west on Exxon Rd from Hwy 81 near the Mustang Gas Plant.  When they arrived, they found several spots below power poles that had caught fire.  

The plant operator at the Mustang Gas Plant said, “I was working in the plant when I heard a loud bang then the power went off.  There was an arc of electricity at the top of one of the poles.”  The firefighters put out several small fires and contacted OG&E.  About 2 hours later, an OG&E crew from Enid arrived to repair the burned fuses, restoring the electricity. 

OG&E has had a busy few days with power outages in the county.  Friday night at about 7 pm a transformer fire on the main trunk line south of Hennessey caught fire and shut down all the power for the City of Kingfisher for about 5 hours.  The Kingfisher football game had to be postponed until Saturday afternoon. 
