The Hennessey Lions Club took to the football field last Friday as a fundraiser. Every Eagle’s Home Football game this season will feature a lucky contestant that Punts, Passes, and Kicks the football to win a prize. Hennessey school teacher Nathaniel Parker was the first to take a wack at last Friday’s game contest held during halftime. Parker got off to a slow start but finished strong, narrowly missing the kick.
You can sign up to be a contestant for one dollar at every home game this year or enter someone other than you. For $10, you can be sure no one enters you. Starting from the east 30-yard line, you punt the ball, and then from where it lands, you pass the ball. From where the pass lands, you get to try a field goal. If you make the field goal, you win a Hennessy Eagle duffle bag donated by Community State Bank and a $25 gift certificate to a local business presented by InterBank. The business sponsors will change from game to game.
All proceeds go to the Hennessey Lions Club.