They competed in the Crescent Tournament today. Here is the results: 3A Prose: 1st Jude HestandChamps Original Oratory: 2nd Ashland CritesChamps Standard Oratory: 3rd Taylor LadwigChamps Poetry: 1st Jaden MatthewsChamps DX: 1st Taylor Ladwig3rd Jaden MatthewsChamps Prose: 2nd Jaret Matthews 3rd: Valarie HolguinChamps Monologue: 2nd Laura Ullery Champs HD: 2nd Milisa Heskett and Jaden MatthewsChamps DD: 3rd Jaret Matthews and Jayden HladikChamps CX Debate: 1st Ashland Crites and Milisa Heskett3rd: Valarie Holguin and Jude HestandHennessey won 2nd place in Champs Sweepstakes!