The tumult of the 2020-2021 boys basketball season, through Covid stops and starts, with the highs of...
Year: 2021
When you are playing the #2 team in the state, there is no room for error. The...
Hennessey Eagle Kaden Rapp signed on with McPherson College on Wednesday to play college baseball for the...
The Town of Hennessey is making a notable difference with improvements around town. Some are big, like...
This week’s co-host is Tyson Copeland, with Legacy Lawn & Pest.Dr. Woods updates us on school …Highlights...
The 10th Annual Hennessey Wine & Chocolate Festival will be at Memorial Park, Saturday, October 16th from...
Hennessey Board of Education Agenda Wednesday, March 31, 2021 12:00 PM Seminar Room, Auditorium213 N Walnut
Tuesday, March 30 – Sanctuary open 12:00 – 1:00 for prayer Methodist ChurchThursday, April 1 – 7:00...
The Hennessey School board voted after executive session this afternoon to hire Jason Sterberger as the new...