TEACHER EXIT COMMENTS Retiring teacher Kathi Reilly addressed the Board of Education Monday night at the regular...
Year: 2021
Hennessey Middle School welcomes 1989 Hennessey graduate Cristin (Darragh) Ashcraft as new Library Media Specialist for the...
This week is National Police Week, a time to thank our law enforcement and remember the fallen....
Summer hours are Monday through Thursday 6:00 to 9:30 Evenings and Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:00...
The Hennessey graduating class of 2021 gathered for a nearly normal graduation ceremony Sunday, May 9, 2021...
Saturday evening (May 8) a controlled burn turned the sky black for miles. An old oil field...
Hwy 81 south of Hennessey at E670 Rd was blocked this afternoon (May 6) about 4pm after...
The Hennessey Powder and String Club and Youth Shooting Sports held their first annual fundraising trap shoot...