Top secret info on our hunting trip…

Elementary went hunting for “Parts of Speech” outside the school building on Thursday, October 14th. 1st graders hunted nouns, 2nd grade hunted verbs, 3rd grade hunted adjectives, and 4th grade hunted prepositional phrases

This was to promote learning like a regular hunting trip. Kids were dressed in camo with face paint on. They brought backpacks and binoculars etc… 

They went walking off-campus with their teachers to “hunt” parts of speech. Their bag limit was 15 to get an  A, 10 to get a B, 5 to get a C. Each student had to check in their bag limits to their teachers to get the grade. When they came back they had a picnic outside. Grilled hotdogs and chips, cookies, and drinks were served while they relaxed outside after their big hunting adventure. 

Photos by Kassidy Amburn
