For years, Hennessey relied on McBride Clinic in OKC to provide Athletic Trainers for sporting events and follow-up training. Several years ago Hennessey was one of 150 schools in 4 states to receive the NFL athletic trainer grant that allowed it to hire a full-time trainer. While building the Eagle Event Center, a state-of-the-art training facility was included.
At the beginning of this school year, Hennessey’s Athletic Trainer Kylee Warne moved on to a new position leaving Hennessey without a full-time trainer for its athletes. The school then contracted with McBride to offer trainers on an as-needed basis for large events such as football games. This comes with a trainer for 1 or 2 days a week on an as-needed basis to work with the students.
Hennessey Schools Superintendent Jason Sternberger said, “It is unusual for a school the size of ours to have a full-time trainer. We don’t like not having a full-time trainer. We are actively looking to fill the position. We have the budget and the facility”. Sternberger also said, “There is a statewide shortage of Athletic Trainers in Oklahoma with 14 or 15 positions open right now. If your child has an injury please contact his or her coach.”
Last week’s football game was covered by a trainer from McBride that worked with a Hennessey player that had a leg injury.