The Hennessey Town Trustees were presented with a Notice of non-renewal agreement from the current garbage removal contractor Waste Connections of Oklahoma at their regular meeting on Thursday, May 13. The document states that Waste Connections will not renew their contract beyond June 30, 2021 unless they re-negotiate their contract related to billing and residential collections. Brittany DeMoine, Waste Connections Municipal Marketing Director said, “We would like to change everyone to a once a week pick up but add a monthly bulky waste pick up.” She went on to say, “This will reduce wear on your streets because our trucks are very heavy.” Mayor Bert Gritz said, “My biggest problem with this is only having once a week service. I think there will be a lot of push back from this.”
Robert DeWoody with Veteran Waste Solutions was also present at the meeting and said, ”We are a veteran owned and operated company based out of El Reno, and would like the opportunity to bid on Hennessey garbage service. We can do the 2 times a week pick up.”
The board voted to call for bids to see what their options were to get the best service for the town.