One of the selling points while building the Eagle Event Center (The Dome) was that it could serve as a storm shelter for Hennessey residents. The building was equipped with a system that would automatically unlock the doors when Hennessey went under a tornado warning. Hennessey Schools Superintendent (retiring) Dr. Mike Woods said this afternoon (Thursday, May 27th), “We have tested the door lock system but have never actually had a tornado warning to see it in action until today. It worked great. When the warning went out the doors unlocked.” Woods said about 30 residents came in the EEC during the warning and stayed for about 45 minutes. The door lock system works 24/7 and is on a battery backup so at any time of the day or night the doors will automatically unlock for anyone that wishes to take cover. Storms near the Dover area caused damage but Hennessey only received heavy rain and localized flooding.