To all concerned parties,

Thank you to all who have reached out to the present and future Superintendents of Hennessey Public Schools concerning the hiring of personnel.

Please rest assured that the Hennessey Board of Education (BOE) does not take the hiring/rehiring of personnel without serious thought and consideration.  The BOE relies on our administration to recruit, interview, and recommend professional individuals that will have a positive impact on our students’ educational and extracurricular experiences.  In addition, the BOE depends on our administration to evaluate teachers and other staff members, which results in the recommendation of rehiring, not rehiring, or a plan of improvement for staff members.

When an evaluation reveals concern about the performance, professional attitude, ethics, or morals of an individual staff member, the BOE must listen and consider those concerns.  This can result in the delay of individual’s being added to a rehire list.  Any and all concerns must be fully investigated.  The BOE relies on our administration to resolve or bring action to those concerns.

The BOE greatly appreciates the community’s involvement in daily activities to help and benefit our schools.  We value thoughtful and professional communication with the community.  It may appear at times that the BOE is ignoring or failing to consider your input.  However, it is our sincere wishes that you understand that there is a lawful and professional way in which we must handle personnel issues and that is for the BOE to handle personnel issues is to remain UNBIASED.  This means we will always listen to your concerns, but will reserve commenting or responding.  We rely on administration to listen and filter all concerns regarding personnel.

The BOE appreciates your excitement and concern for your children’s educational and extracurricular experience, and we are looking forward to a great future with our incoming and current administrators.

On a personal note, I always appreciate and consider the thoughts of those who reach out in a professional and courteous manner.  During my last ten years as a member of the BOE, I have always listened and considered all interested parties.  Primarily in a quiet manner, but hopefully, in an effective way.  I do promise one thing.  I will stand up for all teachers and staff, who represent themselves and our community in a professional manner and teach our students and athletes respect for themselves and others.  As parents, I hold you accountable to do the same thing.

Please feel free to forward this email.


James M. Matousek, DVM
President of the Hennessey Board of Education
405-853-0099 (please leave message)
