We will be having virtual school on Monday & Tuesday. (February 22nd and 23rd)PRE-K THROUGH 5TH GRADEStudents will stay home.Staff hours will be 8-3.Staff will go to their designated sites.Teachers will teach from their classrooms.The Eagle’s Nest daycare will be open.We will also have daycare available for for staff’s school age children in PK-5th grade from 8-3 in the seminar room.Support staff will help school aged children with their virtual learning.If you have any questions, please contact your principal.MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOLMonday and Tuesday – MS/HS students will be going virtual/distance learning on the 11:00-2:25 schedule.Monday and Tuesday morning from 8:00-10:00 – MS/HS teachers will be available to assist students with assignments if needed. Please email Ms. Avila if you are interested in having your students come in.Students who need access to the internet on Monday and Tuesday, please email Ms. Avila. Individual arrangements can be made if needed.Thank you to all of those who have reached out to help our teachers with the damage from the weather. Teachers will be assessing the damage this week and will be posting Donors’ Choose projects to help replace damaged items if you are interested in donating. Be watching for those projects. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL THE OFFERS TO HELP US GET OUR KIDS BACK IN SCHOOL!!2021 Senior Class – Mrs. Moery has rescheduled your senior packet pick-up date to next week. More details will be provided to students later next week.ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE EMAIL MS. AVILA!!!