Hennessey Schools Superintendent Dr. Mike Woods talks about: Building damage, school schedules, basketball schedules, walking track opening.LINKS AND CONTACT INFO:Main School phone number 405-853-4321Dr. Woods email mwoods@hps.k12.ok.usTimberly Jeck tjech@hps.k12.ok.usBeth Curran ecurran@hps.k12.ok.usJourge Huizar jhuizar@hps.k12.ok.usKorey Walker- Wrestling Coach kwalker@hps.k12.ok.usHigh School & Middle School Principal, Angela Avila aavila@hps.k12.ok.usElementary School Principal Barry Crosswhite, bcrosswhite@hps.k12.ok.usEarly Ed Principal Stacey Schovanec staceyschovanec@hps.k12.ok.us Rita Huntsberger Child Nutrition Director rhuntsberger@hps.k12.ok.usCounselors, Tammy Tillman ttillman@hps.k12.ok.us, Jill Moery jmoery@hps.k12.ok.usMain School phone number 405-853-4321Bus routes, Gary Beaman email: gbeaman@hps.k12.ok.usEnrollment, Renee Curry’s email: rcurry@hps.k12.ok.usAthletics, Paul Hix email: phix@hps.k12.ok.usMain school website: www.hps.k12.ok.usText System; Text YES to 67587Parent Wen Gate Portal: https://ok.wengage.com/Hennessey/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2fhennesseySign up for your FREE All About Hennessey POST newspaper and PODCAST at AllAboutHennessey.comListen to this show as a podcast at AllAboutHennessey.com