Today things started to improve and we are starting to see the end of the crazy October 2020 ice storm. Throughout the day, heavy rains helped to melt the heavy ice covered trees, making it easier for the power companies to work.
OG&E started early this morning to restore power to the school and the Hennessey Care Center. Slowly, power started to return to areas that have not had power for several days. It will be a little longer for those that have poles or wires down.
The Hennessey road crews continued to clear the streets and the Town Hall made arrangements for residents to dump tree
limbs at the sewer lagoons at the intersection of Cemetery and West Oklahoma Ave.
At noon, the Hennessey First Baptist Church served Frito Chili Pie lunch and the First Christian Church served a chicken & noodles dinner at the Baptist Activity Center for anyone that needed a warm meal.
Hennessey Schools will reopen tomorrow (Thursday) and follow their regular schedule.
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