Hennessey students gathered last night for the traditional bonfire activities but this year due to very high winds the Fire Marshall canceled the actual fire. Tonight the activates continue with Homecoming Pep Assembly starting at 12:30-1:15 at Eagle Stadium**(MS & HS Students will be in attendance) (Parents & Eagle Fans, Please wear a mask and practice social distancing while attending the Pep Assembly)Homecoming Parade – beginning at 1:30**(Only high school students will be participating in the 2020 Football Homecoming Parade) (Early Childhood Center, Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students will be lining Mitchell Rd and the playground area on Iowa St, behind the fence with their classroom teachers to cheer on our Eagles.)Homecoming Coronation @ 6:30 P.M.Homecoming Football Game – 7:00 P.M. vs Chisholm. Photos by Beth Curran.