– Hennessey Schools Superintendent Dr. Mike Woods talks about: Rescheduled Homecoming, and Sr football nights, Early Bird program, Enrollment, the free meals program over last week’s break, virtual school day practice coming soon, and answers questions from viewers. Link to view WE’RE GOING IN AMERICA show is featuring how Hennessey opened school during a pandemic. https://youtu.be/yzyKoJFs6lILINKS AND CONTACT INFO:Dr. Woods email mwoods@hps.k12.ok.usHigh School & Middle School Principal, Angela Avila aavila@hps.k12.ok.usElementary School Principal Barry Crosswhite, bcrosswhite@hps.k12.ok.usEarly Ed Principal Stacey Schovanec staceyschovanec@hps.k12.ok.us Rita Huntsberger Child Nutrition Director rhuntsberger@hps.k12.ok.usCounselors, Tammy Tillman ttillman@hps.k12.ok.us, Jill Moery jmoery@hps.k12.ok.usMain School phone number 405-853-4321Bus routes, Gary Beaman email: gbeaman@hps.k12.ok.usEnrollment, Renee Curry’s email: rcurry@hps.k12.ok.usAthletics, Paul Hix email: phix@hps.k12.ok.usMain school website: www.hps.k12.ok.usText System; Text YES to 67587Parent Wen Gate Portal: https://ok.wengage.com/Hennessey/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2fhennesseyContact Sparky’s Eatery at (405) 853-1855