HS Principal Angela Avila MS Assistant principal Matt Means Counselors (405) 853-4394 HS Office Jill Moery – High School (405) 853-4303 MS Office Tammy Tillman – Middle School (405) 853-4644 HS Fax (405) 853-4848 MS Fax 853-2020 or 853-2021
Frequently Asked Questions
We are providing these FAQs to support your child’s return to school for the 2020-2021 school year. Please note that any future mandates or closures set by local, state, or federal agencies could alter information in this document. We will update this information should that occur. EDUCATIONAL DELIVERY OPTIONS
Q: Will Hennessey Public Schools offer full-time online (virtual) classes as an alternative to classroom (traditional) instruction? Yes. Hennessey Public Schools will offer full-time virtual learning for 6-12 students. If you would like to have your child enrolled in the virtual learning option, please email Ms. Avila at aavila@hps.k12.ok.us.
Q: Can students shift back-and-forth between virtual learning and traditional learning? No. Once a student chooses virtual learning, he/she will remain for the 2020-2021 school year.
Q: What is the process of enrolling my child in the virtual learning option?A parent will need to email Ms. Avila at aavila@hps.k12.ok.us to request to enroll their child in the virtual learning option. Ms. Avila will contact you and your child to set up an appointment to enroll in the Edmentum program and discuss the expectations of the virtual learning option.EMPLOYEE/STUDENT HEALTH PROTOCOLS
Q: What steps will the district take to keep the school as safe as possible? Hennessey Public Schools will make every effort to promote healthy practices and protocols in our schools. Schools will have daily operational procedures based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO). Both schools will have multiple thermal imaging cameras students will walk through during the school day to monitor their temperature.Each classroom will have hand sanitizer stations. All classrooms will utilize hourly cleaning and disinfecting practices on desks and common areas.Restroom areas will be monitored for the appropriate number of students per capacity. Desk shields will be used when deemed appropriate by the classroom teacher.Transition times will be extended to allow students to practice appropriate social distancing recommendations.Regular disinfecting of frequented and shared spaces.
Q: Will parents be notified if their child has come in direct physical contact or close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19? Yes, if a child has been in direct physical contact or close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, the parent will be notified. While the district must respect the confidentiality of health information, notifying parents regarding their child’s potential contact with COVID-19 is a priority to the district.
Q: Will parents be notified if anyone in the school has tested positive for COVID-19? No. Parents will not be notified if there is no direct physical contact or close contact with a person testing positive.They will be notified only if their child has come in direct physical contact or close contact with someone who has tested positive.
Q: Should a parent notify the school if their child or someone in their family tests positive for COVID-19? Yes. The child should refrain from coming to school, and the parent should notify the principal of the school. The principal and school nurse, through a series of questions, can help determine what steps should be taken next.
Q: What if my child misses more than 10 days in a semester due to illness or possible contact with someone with COVID-19? Students who are ill or suspect they are ill should remain at home. Our district will work with parents to support students during periods of absences when families are working to support their child’s health and the health of others through the district’s temporary distance education option.DAILY SAFETY PROCEDURES
Q: How will students need to arrive at school if a parent/guardian drops them off? All middle school and high school students need to be dropped off in the south drive of the high school, beginning at 7:30 AM.
Q: If my child rides the bus, what safety precautions will be taken to ensure my child is safe? Hennessey Public Schools have added additional bus routes to limit the number of students who will ride each bus. Students will be required to wear a mask on the bus, sit with family groups while riding, and each driver will monitor the entering and exiting of the bus to ensure appropriate safety measures are followed.
Q: What will be the daily check-in procedure at each school? Students who arrive by a parent drop off in the south drive of the high school will walk through the front doors and walk past a thermal imaging camera that will take their temperature. If a student’s temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher, they will be sent to the district health team for further screening. Students who arrive by a school bus will go to the cafeteria and walk past a thermal imaging camera, which will take their temperature. If a student’s temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher, they will be sent to the district health team for further screening. Middle school students will also enter the middle school building through the front entrance, where they will walk through a thermal imaging camera. Students who have athletics and report to school before 7:30 AM will have their temperature checked each morning.
Q: Will wearing face coverings/masks be mandatory for students to attend school? Yes. Students will be required to wear masks on the bus and during transition times during the school day. Masks will be required in the classrooms when deemed appropriate by the teacher.
Q: How will social distancing occur at each school? Space seating/desks will be spaced an appropriate distance apart. Desks will face the same direction or have students sit on only one side of tables, spaced apart. Proper protection (desk shields) will be used when students are close to one another, and social distancing is not applicable.
Q: What if my child has a health condition that will not allow my child to wear a face-covering/mask? Please email Ms. Avila at aavila@hps.k12.ok.us to discuss further.
Q: What will be the lunch procedures at each school? Both middle school and high school students will be divided into groups to decrease the number of students in the cafeteria at one time. Middle school students will be escorted to the cafeteria by a teacher to help with monitoring appropriate social distancing. Students will have a boxed lunch ready for them waiting on the cafeteria tables to eliminate students standing in line to get their food. After students have completed their meal, they will go outside, weather permitting, for some fresh air. The second group of middle school students will enjoy the fresh air first; then, they will have scheduled time to eat in the cafeteria. High school students will be divided into two lunches, with the 9th and 11th graders having the first lunchtime, and the 10th and 12th graders will have the second lunchtime. Students will have one option through the traditional cafeteria line (individually boxed, so they may grab and go and eliminate time standing in line). Another lunch option will be served out of the concession stand area. Students will have the opportunity to go off-campus for lunch.Students may also bring their own lunch. At this time, we will not be allowing students to receive an outside lunch dropped off at the school to help eliminate the risk of exposure to our students and employees.
Q: Will my child be issued a locker? No. Students will not be issued a locker until it is deemed appropriate due to the social distancing guidelines. Teachers will be working with students to decrease the items they have to carry during transitional times. Q: Will my child be issued a Chromebook, and will they be allowed to take it home? Yes. All 6-12 graders will be issued a Chromebook on the first day of school. Students will need to take their devices home each evening to complete homework assignments and have them charged up for the next day. In the event, HPS feels it is appropriate to transition to a full-time distance education option; students will already have their devices in their possession.ACTIVITIES/BUILDING VISITS
Q: Will activities (field trips, assemblies, concerts, athletic events, etc.) be held in the fall semester? Our primary focus right now is making every effort for school to be in session for the 2020-21 school year and to keep our students and staff safe and healthy. We will continue to take precautions with all events held at HPS and will communicate any future precautions as needed.
Q: Will the district host “Meet the Teacher” events? No. We will not be allowing visitors into the buildings to host our annual “Meet the Teacher” night.
Q: Can parents volunteer in the school buildings? The safety of our students and employees remains the district’s primary concern. To help prevent the spread of the virus and reduce the risk of exposure to our students and employees, Hennessey Public Schools will not be allowing standard visitation to our campuses until further notice. GENERAL INFORMATION
Q: When can I drop off my middle school child’s school supplies? Middle school students may drop off their school supplies on the east side of the middle school on the dates listed below: 6th graders – Monday, August 3rd from 9:00-12:00 7th graders – Tuesday, August 4th from 9:00-12:00 8th graders – Wednesday, August 5th from 9:00-12:00Please pull around by the front door and someone will meet you at your car to take your child’s supplies.
Q: When will my child receive their class schedule? Class schedules for students who have completed their enrollment online will be released through Wengage on Tuesday, August 4th by 5:00 PM. If you have not completed the enrollment process online, your child has not been enrolled into classes for the 2020-2021 school year. The enrollment process must be completed prior to your child attending classes on Thursday, August 6th. COMMUNICATION / PARENT PARTNERSHIPS
Q: How will parents receive updates and information throughout the school year?To stay up-to-date on the most recent and current information, please check the district website, All About Hennessey, the district’s Facebook page, and local newspapers. Other communication will come through Email (Teachers, Students, and Parents need to check it often.) and Google Classroom.
Q: If I have a question that hasn’t been answered here, what do I do? If, after reading these FAQs, you still have questions, please feel free to email Ms. Avila at aavila@hps.k12.ok.us or Mr. Means at mmeans@hps.k12.ok.us.